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Happy Days Montessori Children's House


Empire Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0RJ

0208 903 6221


MARGARET DILLANE - Montessori Consultant


“Every person is the author of his own skills.”  [Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind]

Margaret Dillane having 36 years experience in working in and running a Montessori Children's House and mentoring and training Montessori students is now offering Montessori consultation and in-house training in all areas of the Montessori curriculum.

From Home educating parents hoping to bring the Montessori Method into their homes to first time Montessorians embarking on the Montessori journey of discovery Margaret is available for phone consultation or one-one consultation specializing in the following:


 Montessori Philosophy in 21st Century

 Authentic Montessori

Montessori and the Child

Revisiting the Montessori Principles

Parents and Montessori

Montessori in the Community

Home Education and Montessori

Teachers and the Montessori Method 


Cost: £70.00 per hour  

If you are interested in having a consultation: Please complete the questionnaire below and return to


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