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Happy Days Montessori Children's House


Education For Life Sessions run by Margaret Dillane:

“It is too often required of children that they should adjust themselves to the world, practiced and alert.  But it would be more to the purpose that the world adjusts itself to children in all its dealings with them.”   [Secret of Childhood]                                                          


Margaret started Happy Days Montessori Children’s House in 1990. She is Montessori qualified to the age of 12 and has achieved her BEd (Hons) & Master’s Degree, Child Psychology Diploma, Montessori and Autism Post Grad and EYPS Training. She is Head of Assessment and Mentoring for ME (UK) and ME (UK) Mentor and Assessor, Teaching Practice Tutor, and Montessori Examiner.


Margaret has 35 Years of Montessori teaching experience within the Montessori field and has worked extensively with parents on a one to one or group basis.

Becoming a Parent:

When we become parents we somehow over time, with all the best intentions in the world fall into the trap of endless routines; unreal expectations and bucket loads of control never considering the effect we are having on our or our children's self esteem. Childhood is a very short ‘hood’ and in the blink of an eye our children are into teenage ‘hood’ and adulthood and we are left wondering where the time has gone. All we truly have is the present moment and when I truly realised this I began to parent in the moment not in the past or the future; something that has enhanced the great gift of parenting....


Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I instructing more than discussing?
  2. Am I demanding more than discovering?
  3. Am I rushing more than exploring?
  4. Am I doing more than being?
  5. Am I disciplining more than loving?
  6. Am I controlling more than developing?
  7. Am I teaching more than playing?


When I asked myself these questions and found that I answered 'Yes' to all the questions I knew it was time to change. I knew the time had come to take a break and look at myself and how I was living my life. I can honestly say, it was the best decision I made and has added to my sense of being....I welcome you to come and join me in exploring ‘Education for Life’ and finding a new and exciting way to look at parenting while enjoying all the challenges and excitements it brings.

 Love and Light Margaret

Cost of Sessions:



£60.00 per hour

One to one session



£40.00 per hour

Group of 5 or more
